We’re here to share

Tips from each of our travels. Creative party planning tricks. Delicious and sometimes nutritious recipes. Kick-your-ass workouts. All the fun challenges we encounter along the way.

A bit about us…

Coupla’ Midwestern sweethearts that work hard, play hard and rest hard. We both work corporate jobs remotely, so we can be in MN or FL as the seasons change.

A dog named Dallas and cat named Kitty take up our bed each night in what we like to call a “snuggle puddle”. Like many of you, our fur babies are family to us.

We live fairly ordinary lives, and love to create the extraordinary within our adventures. Boredom is not often on the menu for us. We stay busy imagining, planning, and executing adventures at home and around the world to explore this one precious life we’ve been given.

With nine years together and two years of marriage, our biggest challenge is still in front of us:


We are excited, nervous, in-love, in-fear, ecstatic, mourning, and every other feeling soon-to-be-parents feel. Mostly though, we’re filled with curiosity and warm welcome for our baby girl.

We met and the adventure together began

Usual and unusual circumstances brought Michelle and Dan together in Minneapolis, MN one random fall evening. They were both out doing something they love: having fun with friends. They laughed, danced, and talked the night away. Exchanging numbers was as far as the romance went that night before the cab drove away.

A month later, they went on their first date. Michelle describes it as, “meeting my best friend. We were immediately comfortable and laughing.” Dan describes it as, “Effortless and fun. Our connection was immediate.”

And then… their life story slowly unfolded.